Hidden in a Crowded Bowl (February 2025 Zine, ebook and printable file)
Reminder: you automatically get all 2025 zines (including this one) at no extra cost if you back the Japan travel book.
A zine for February. A zine dripping wet with the comfort of a steaming bowl of soup on a cold winter morning. A zine for getting clued into the hidden complexity of the many stories that exist wherever you look, including in a bowl of miso soup.
This is a pre-sale! The zine itself will be released either by the end of February or within the first few days of March. This is something to help keep groceries covered while I work on building my freelance business and work on things like my travel book in the spare minutes of the day. When purchasing, please be sure to create a Gumroad account so you can log in and access the files more easily. Also, when the zine is released, I'll send out an email to let everyone know the files are available (so make sure you use an email address you actually check).
In 2025, I will be releasing a new zine at the end of every month. I'm doing it partly for the creative challenge, but mostly I'm doing it for fun. I'm working on my Japan travel book, but frankly I get bogged down, and having fun with zine-making is a good way to stay fresh and keep the creative juices flowing.
This zine will almost certainly be released at the end of February, and it will be released as a bundle consisting of the zine formatted as an ebook, as well as a printable file so you can print and fold your own physical zine (there will be both US letter and A4 variants).
NOTE: If you back my Japan travel book project, you'll also get this zine for free. No need to purchase separately unless you just want to give me more money (I won't stop you).
You'll get an ebook to read on your digital devices, as well as a printable file so you can print and fold your own physical zine.